
About Us

About Us

OMO is an amateur rock band hailing from Brno in the Czech Republic. Established in 2018, the group was inspired by Roman´s release of a best of CD previously recorded with professional musicians. The desire to perform these songs live proved inspirational and, over time, the band was solidified and rehearsals began in earnest. 

With the onslaught of Covid, OMO's first gig was repeatedly postponed until five minutes to midnight on September 9th 2020. In the legendary Metro Music Bar, Brno, the band finally got their limelight before an enthusiastic crowd, literally moments before an ensuing lockdown.

Buoyed by the audience's reception to the concert, the band got to work on new material during the spring and summer of 2021. Alongside professional producers, Libor "Mikeš" Mikoška and Honza Tulenko, OMO recorded the album "Fresh" in a fantastic studio in Nezdice. Just before Christmas of the same year, the former would later be released and OMO were keener than ever to produce quality music that reflected both  past and present.

What we play

Playing guitar rock music influenced by Brit bands, OMO has a deep admiration for these sounds and continues to be roused by such legacies from the eighties and nineties alike.

Written in English, the lyrics reflect the lives of a couple of band members who, as teachers of English, live and breathe the language in their daily routines. With a passion for English and a specific and influential style, Roman also points out that scribing Czech lyrics is much much more difficult.  Ultimately though, what truly resonates with the group is the deep roaring sound of the drum and bass, and the blazingly powerful sounds of guitar.


Roman Kožnar

Starting out as a teenager, Roman began by taking classical guitar lessons. Fate would later take him however in a different direction upon meeting secondary schoolmate, Libor „Mikeš“ Mikoška, now one of the best guitar players and music producers in the country.

During his university years, Roman studied English whilst also keeping his toe in rock music's water. Unfortunately good fortune was not forthcoming with the somewhat unsuccessful bands never graduating beyond uni life.

Still enthralled by English and music, Roman set up his own business in the former whilst retaining music as a solo exploit.

This would continue for quite some years until 2017 when Roman recorded his own "best of" album with his old school buddy, Libor "Mikeš" Mikoška. This was to become a momentous year for stoking the fires of the future OMO as we know it today.


Radim Sedlák

For Radim, OMO is a symphony of firsts: first band, first gig, first CD, first guitar riff and first solo. From being an avid sportsman throughout his life, he took the plunge to devote his time to his other passion – music. And he really enjoys it. Radim is also the second professional English person of the group, thus giving further foundations to the roots of OMO's music.


Petr Špička

As a secondary school student, Petr started playing guitar in punk bands in the nineties and is one of the founders of Pitbull Diesel hardcore band. 

Subsequent to taking some time out from music, Petr later met Martin and transitioned to a more melodic style in band Ganz Egal, which would later metamorphose to Sunday Chess.

In 2019, Petr was the final member to join OMO.


Martin Veleba

Intoxicated by the beauty of life, Martin is a quiet companion and one impassioned with the bass guitar's precision. Observing the world around with one eye narrowed but also "happy he has got the rest of his life ahead", Martin has played in several bands such as Kubelíci, Cosmos, Kostiwall.


Bert Krejčí

Drumming away from the eighties onwards, Bert started out with Brno bands, BBC1 and Helmutova Stříkačka, followed several years later by popular band, Hlavou Dolů. Actively playing in clubs all over the country, the nationwide Rockfest performance is a significant highlight of this very lively period.

Alongside Roman, Bert played in a band called Black and White in the nineties for a couple of years. A significant break, with just sporadic birthday party gigs, typified the following years until he became the first member to rejoin the band now called OMO.